Training to achieve his personal objectives

295.00$ CAD
  • Training to achieve his personal objectives

Training to achieve his personal objectives

295.00$ CAD

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Online training to achieve your personal objectives

In life, it is common to find yourself at a crossroads, uncertain of the management to be taken. This online training is a compass for those who seek to take stock. It offers prospects to better understand your internal engines, your ambitions, your dreams and your values, while exploring the different spheres of life. The goal is to focus your efforts on what really matters to you. Available in English.

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Discovery and clarification of your personal ambitions

With practical tools and a reflexive approach, this training allows you to step back and think about your current situation. Applying the GROW method will help you develop a concrete action plan to reach your goals. You will learn to identify your personal objectives and to analyze them through the prism of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, by defining concrete strategies and actions for the realization of your aspirations.

Learning course and objectives to achieve your personal goals

  • Identification of personal objectives and aspirations in 7 key areas for a complete vision of your life aspirations.
  • Personal swot analysis in order to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with your objectives for a strategy adapted to your unique context.
  • Target strategies and actions in order to design an action plan and concrete stages to advance towards the achievement of your personal objectives.

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