Corporate Subscriptions

Do you want to offer our online training to several employees’ or all your managers? We have the perfect solution for you! By opting for a corporate subscription, you benefit from competitive rates and unlimited access to selected training programs. With this subscription, each member of your team can access the courses at any time, promoting flexible and continuous learning. Invest in the development of your leaders and ensure that your managers have the necessary skills to excel in their roles. Contact us today to discuss our subscription offers and discover how we can support the growth of your business.

Customized Training for Your Company

Do you want some of our training programs to be modified to better represent your company’s brand and adapt to your specific context? We offer customization services to meet your unique needs.

Benefits of Customization:

  1. Alignment with Company Culture: By customizing the training programs, we can integrate your values, vision, and mission, ensuring consistency with your company’s culture.
  2. Increased Relevance: Content tailored to your industry and specific challenges makes the training more relevant and directly applicable.
  3. Brand Image: By incorporating your brand elements (logos, colors, etc.), the training programs become an extension of your visual identity, thus reinforcing brand recognition and engagement.

Contact us to discuss your specific needs and discover how we can customize our training programs to maximize their impact within your company.