Reframing and Constructive Feedback Online Race

295.00$ CAD
  • Reframing and Constructive Feedback Online Race

Reframing and Constructive Feedback Online Race

295.00$ CAD

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Online race on reframing and constructive dialogue 

The Constructive Disciplinary Review, Often Called “Constructive Reframing”, featured in our online training, is a valuable avenue for engaging in Constructive Dialogue. Available in French

The Constructive Disciplinary Review is not a formal disciplinary meeting, but rather a prelinary internship before suffering are contemplated. It’s a phase where we’re still constructive promoting dialogue, making efforts to identify and rectify from before climbing to formal disciplinary measures. We invite you to read our article: Beyond Discipline: The Reframing Approach.

Provide effective Feedback to your Staff

Providing Your Employees With the Right Feedback is Key. UNLIKE THE FORMAL DISCIPLINARY INTERVIEW, THE OBJECTIVE OF REFRAMING IS TO REACH A Constructive Resolution Without Resorting To Sanctions. Reframing an Employee Represents An Opportunity to “Set the Record Straight” and to have a benficual effect on the rest of the team. It is also the possibility for the colleague concerned to reposition themselves look their commitment.

Assuming The Role of A Leader Using Constructive Realignment 

When a member of your team engagement in inappropriate behavior, has relationship dysfunctions, or doesn't achieve the desired results, it fals upon the manager or the leader to step in. This intervention is not only a Matter of Management, but also has manifestation of leadership. As a leader, you have a responsibility to align your team towards improvation and success.

Race Outline and Learning Objectives for Disciplinary Constructive Review:

  • Identify problematic situations Requiring Action.
  • Learn the 5 phases of the real process.
  • Organize a Process to Initiate A Change in the Employee.
  • Finding a solution to a problem and suggesting solutions.
  • AVOID COMMON MISTAKES DURING A Constructive Feedback Interview.

With this online race, you can progress at your own comfortable pace and gain the essential skills to effectively conduct a reframing interview. This self-directing Training Spans Roughly 3 Hours.